In this article we are going to take a gander at a technique for getting the greater part of the components inside your melody scoring together. In the event that you have a REX drum circle with an awesome vibe we'll take a gander at not just getting the majority of your MIDI tracks to secure with it additionally your played instruments, for example, Bass Guitar.
In past articles we have taken a gander at separating notches from rex files for reason and changing over sound to REX circles. A key characteristic of REX circles is that it permits you regard sound as though it were MIDI. We will consolidate the ground beforehand secured with a viable sample of how you can utilize them to get your entire track bolted together.
Anthony's Article on making furrow files.
In the accompanying sample I had a REX drum circle that I was attempting to set out a bass score to. I endeavored an alternate couple of passes yet couldn't exactly nail it.
I can remove the furrow from the drum thump and apply it to the MIDI yet I can't matter that to a sound cut.
Scoring Together, the arrangement:
At that point separate the furrow from the drum document and have it accessible in the regroove blender.